Petscii Tag Creation
Petscii Tag Creation for TeensyROM Browser
WebBrowser PETSCII graphic, viewable on TeensyROM:
End of PETSCII graphic
- Create PETSCII art using this PETSCII Editor
- Set Black background and Single color mode
- Individual chars can still be unique colors
- C64 lowercase Character set recommended, but not required
- Save as .PE file to preserve progress/original.
- When complete, Export screen to .SEQ (screen code sequence)
- Run the command line tool: seq2tag.exe filename.SEQ
- Where filename.SEQ is the saved .SEQ file.
- The binary .SEQ file will be converted to HTML PETSCII tags and saved as filename.HTM
- Each 40 character line will have separate PETSCII tag line in the HTM output
- Copy these tags into the html body of a simple web page such as the one you are currently viewing
- Note that the entire screen (and colors) are saved/converted
- Recommend editing to eliminate lines of all spaces (%20) at the end that are not needed
Links to tools and example files:
Updated: 11/12/23